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These general contracting conditions apply to all commercial transactions carried out in our virtual store,, hereinafter The Seller. For more information about the Seller and our Privacy Policy, consult the Legal Notice located at the bottom of each page of this store.

We kindly ask you to read these Purchase Conditions and our Privacy Policy carefully before placing your order. If you do not agree with all the Purchase Conditions and the Privacy Policy, you should not place an order.


The Seller is a business unit belonging to ALVARO POSTIGO MELSON, with NIF 48413264N, domiciled at Calle 219, number 101 - La Cañana 46182 Valencia. Any communication may be directed to the registered office or to the telephone or email address


The Seller is dedicated to distance selling, preferably online, of [SPECIFY ACTIVITY].

Contents and information provided on the website

The Seller reserves the right to modify the commercial offer presented on the website (modifications to products, prices, promotions and other commercial and service conditions) at any time. The Seller makes every effort within its means to offer the information contained in the website truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event that at any time an error of this type occurs, at all times beyond the control of the Seller, it will be corrected immediately. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and a customer has made a purchase decision based on said error, the Seller will notify the customer of said error and the customer will have the right to cancel their purchase at no cost on their part.

The contents of the website The Seller may, on occasion, show provisional information about some products. In the event that the information provided does not correspond to the characteristics of the product, the customer will have the right to cancel their purchase at no cost on their part.

The Seller is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any of the information, content, statements and expressions contained in the products marketed by the Seller. This responsibility rests at all times with the manufacturers or distributors of said products. The customer understands that the Seller is a mere intermediary between him and said manufacturer or distributor.

Sales system

To make a purchase, the user can choose between various ways of sending us their order:
• Internet through the «shopping cart»
• Internet through the «off-line order»
• Email to:

Applicable taxes

The prices of the products displayed on the Seller's website include the Value Added Tax (VAT) that, where appropriate, is applicable.
Purchases that are to be delivered within the territory of any of the member states of the European Union will be subject to VAT.
Purchases that must be delivered in territories of non-member states of the European Union, or in the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla will be exempt from VAT.

Way to pay

When placing the order, the customer can freely choose between the different payment options offered [SPECIFY TYPES OF PAYMENT CARD]. In certain cases and to prevent possible fraud, the Seller reserves the possibility of requesting a customer a specific form of payment in the event that the identity of the buyer is not credibly proven. The website uses information security techniques generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all in order to prevent unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user / client accepts that the provider obtains data for the purpose of the corresponding authentication of access controls. Any contracting process or that involves the introduction of personal data (health, ideology, ...) will always be transmitted through a secure communication protocol (HTTPS: //) in such a way that no third party has access to the information transmitted electronically.

Form, costs and delivery time

The customer will be able to select the shipping method from among those possible for their shipping area. You should take into account that the delivery times, the quality of the service, the delivery point and the cost will be different for each form of transport.

The Seller sends the orders to its clients through different express transport companies of recognized national and international prestige. The delivery date to the customer's home depends on the availability of the chosen product and the shipping area. The indicative transport times are available in the section of our website "Shipping Costs". Before confirming their order, the client will be informed about shipping costs and transport times, both indicative, that apply to their specific order. However, both may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each order. Especially:

  • The transport times can be altered by extraordinary incidents in the carrier and by difficulties in the delivery of the merchandise.

  • The shipping costs that appear on the web when placing the order are indicative and are calculated based on an average statistical weight of [SPECIFY] grs. The Seller reserves the right to alter the shipping costs when the requested weight varies by plus / minus 10% with respect to the mentioned average weight. In the event of a price variation, the Seller will notify the customer of the variation by email and the customer may choose to cancel their order without any cost being charged.

Buyer's rights and return policy

The Seller guarantees its customers the possibility of canceling their order at any time and at no cost provided that the cancellation is communicated before the order has been made available to the carrier for shipment.

The customer will have a period of fourteen days from receipt of the order to terminate the contract and return the purchased product. The client will communicate to the Seller within the stipulated period and by any means admitted by law, his desire to exercise the right to terminate the contract. The returned order must be delivered together with the delivery note and, where appropriate, the invoice issued to the Seller, the Buyer paying the return costs.

The customer may return any item purchased from The Seller as long as the products have not been opened or used and retain their original seal or packaging. In these cases, the Seller will return the purchase money by crediting the credit card, by bank transfer to the account indicated by the customer or by crediting their personal account.
If a product other than the one requested by the customer was delivered by mistake by the Seller, it will be withdrawn and the correct product will be delivered without any additional charge to the buyer.

The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, which is available at the following link: Consumers will be able to submit their claims through the online dispute resolution platform. For any incident related to the return of items from our store, you can contact our Customer Service Department via email: or by phone.

Obligations of the client

The Seller's client undertakes at all times to provide accurate information about the data requested in the user registration or order forms, and to keep them updated at all times.

The client agrees to accept all the provisions and conditions contained in these General Contracting Conditions, understanding that they include the best possible service will for the type of activity carried out by the Seller.

Likewise, it undertakes to keep your personal access codes to our website confidential and with the utmost diligence.

The customer agrees to enable the delivery of the requested order by providing a delivery address where the requested order can be delivered within the usual merchandise delivery hours (Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. 00 to 18:00). In case of breach by the client of this obligation, the Seller will not have any responsibility for the delay or impossibility of delivery of the order requested by the client.

Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction

The purchases made with the Seller are subject to the legislation of Spain.
In the event of any conflict or discrepancy, the applicable jurisdiction will be that of the Courts or Tribunals of the buyer.

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